The Project Centre (PO REK) is a department with a broad scope. From university – wide comprehensive development projects to individual research projects, PO REK is the center of administration. Whether you need help finding a project challenge, individual consultation or help submitting a project proposal, we are here for you.
The agenda of the Project Centre includes:
- Methodological support for proposers and solvers of both national and international projects,
- Preparation of methodological sheets and proof of eligibility, organisation of training, and submission of project proposals via data box,
- Communication with grant providers,
- Distribution of information from grant providers to project solvers,
- Organisation of workshops, trainings and other events related to the project support area,
- Preparation of analytical, synthetic, and methodological materials within the project support area,
- Preparation and processing of project-related data for annual reports,
- Methodological support during project audits,
- Identification of grant opportunities,
- Coordination and preparation of strategic university-wide projects,
- Support for Ph.D. students - MENDELU Ph.D. talent (The talent competition), MENDELU Ph.D. School,
- Monitoring of specific research projects and activities of IGA (Internal Grant Agency) and administration of reports on the use of targeted support for particular university research,
- Agenda of the Grant Agency of Gregor Johann Mendel (GAGJM).
Do you need basic information on employment, employee benefits or advice on life situations that may arise? All employee services can be found on the Human Resources Management Office website. You can find the basic information about MENDELU in their Guide for MENDELU Employees.
The Rector's internal regulations and documents can be found here.
Integrity and ethics in research at MENDELU.
Support for project groups
Central project register
Search in solved projects by researchers from MENDELU
Overview of current public tenders