GA GJM 2023


In this year's internal competition of the Grant Agency of Gregor Johann Mendel of Mendel University in Brno in category C - Return Projects, the project of the researcher Ing. Kristýna Šmerková, Ph.D. (AF) with the title Antibacterial nanomaterials as an alternative to antibiotic therapy in bovine mastitis. Furthermore, the project of Ana María Jiménez Jiménez, Ph.D. (AF) entitled Functional and molecular analysis of the role of transgelin-2 as a factor driving chemoresistance and invasion of prostate cancer cells.



GA GJM Announcement - 3-2023 NR



Category C

Tender Documentation – 8-2023 MPR

Attachment a affidavit category C 

Attachment b affidavit condition employment

Attachment c affidavit maternity parental leave

Attachment d project cover sheet

Attachment e CV temlate

Interim report category C 2023

Final report category C 2023