MENDELU Ph.D. talent announced! 

Two-round competition for talent scholarships for students of doctoral study programs accredited at Mendel University in Brno.

Competition schedule:
Announcement date: November 15, 2024
Registration deadline for the 1st round: January 31, 2025 at 12:00 noon
Date of the 2nd round: March 10, 2025


1st round: Application with a scientific research project proposal


2nd round: Presentation of the proposed scientific research project with the aim of convincing the expert committee of its exceptional nature and qualities


Conditions for participation in the 1st round:

  • Enrolment in a full-time doctoral study program in the first or second semester
  • A project proposal within one of the following field panels:
    • Panel A includes these scientific fields: Animal Production, Applied and Landscape Ecology, Applied Zoology, Applied Bioclimatology, Biological Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Genetics and Physiology of Animals, Molecular Physiology, Genetics and Biotechnology of Plants; Special Plant Production.
    • Panel B includes these scientific fields: Economics and management of renewable natural resources, Forest Ecology, Forest Phytology, Forest management, Forest Phytopathology and Mycology, Wood Material Engineering, Silviculture, Landscape Management and Engineering.
    • Panel C includes these scientific fields: Applied Statistics and Operations Research, Economics and Management, Finance.
    • Panel D includes these scientific fields: Horticulture, European Horticulture.
  • Knowledge of the English language - the entire competition is conducted in English.
  • Fulfilment of formal requirements for the 1st round:
    • The application must consist of three parts:

1)      Professional CV of the applicant

2)      Description of the scientific research project

3)      Definition of the team and professional background that will be used to implement the project

  • The entire application (all three parts) must be written in English and submitted in a single PDF file. The maximum scope of the entire application (all three parts) is 5 pages of A4 format for the text, with single spacing and font size 11.
  • Registration for the competition is completed by sending a pdf application via google form.
    • Registration is open until January 31, 2025, at 12:00 noon. Late registrations will not be considered. 
    • In case of sending multiple applications, we will consider the one that was sent later.


What projects have the potential to succeed?

In order for the project to have a chance of success, we recommend answering the following questions:

  • How will the project contribute to the development of the given field?
  • What benefits will the project bring to MENDELU?
  • Is the project meaningful and innovative? Does it, for example, have a connection to the application sphere?
  • Did I put enough effort into preparing each part of it? Is the project in order from a formal perspective? (spelling, graphs, needs analysis, graphical processing)
  • Is it written in a way that will capture the interest of expert evaluators?
  • Can I list reasons for why my project should be supported?
  • Am I able to present my project in a way that engages the committee by effectively conveying its purpose, vision, and reasons for support?


Winners of the 1st year

Winners of the 2nd year

Winners of the 3rd year

Mgr. Veronika Zajícová

Project manager

Agenda: support within national project, MENDELU Ph.D. talent, MENDELU PhD Week

Zemědělská 1665/1, 613 00 Brno; building A, office N2028

+420 545 135 193