MENDELU Ph.D. talent announced!
Two-round competition for talent scholarships for students of doctoral study programs accredited at Mendel University in Brno.
Competition schedule:
Announcement date: November 15, 2024
Registration deadline for the 1st round: January 31, 2025 at 12:00 noon
Date of the 2nd round: March 10, 2025
1st round: Application with a scientific research project proposal
2nd round: Presentation of the proposed scientific research project with the aim of convincing the expert committee of its exceptional nature and qualities
Conditions for participation in the 1st round:
- Enrolment in a full-time doctoral study program in the first or second semester
- A project proposal within one of the following field panels:
- Panel A includes these scientific fields: Animal Production, Applied and Landscape Ecology, Applied Zoology, Applied Bioclimatology, Biological Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Genetics and Physiology of Animals, Molecular Physiology, Genetics and Biotechnology of Plants; Special Plant Production.
- Panel B includes these scientific fields: Economics and management of renewable natural resources, Forest Ecology, Forest Phytology, Forest management, Forest Phytopathology and Mycology, Wood Material Engineering, Silviculture, Landscape Management and Engineering.
- Panel C includes these scientific fields: Applied Statistics and Operations Research, Economics and Management, Finance.
- Panel D includes these scientific fields: Horticulture, European Horticulture.
- Knowledge of the English language - the entire competition is conducted in English.
- Fulfilment of formal requirements for the 1st round:
- The application must consist of three parts:
1) Professional CV of the applicant
2) Description of the scientific research project
3) Definition of the team and professional background that will be used to implement the project
- The entire application (all three parts) must be written in English and submitted in a single PDF file. The maximum scope of the entire application (all three parts) is 5 pages of A4 format for the text, with single spacing and font size 11.
- Registration for the competition is completed by sending a pdf application via google form.
- Registration is open until January 31, 2025, at 12:00 noon. Late registrations will not be considered.
- In case of sending multiple applications, we will consider the one that was sent later.
What projects have the potential to succeed?
In order for the project to have a chance of success, we recommend answering the following questions:
- How will the project contribute to the development of the given field?
- What benefits will the project bring to MENDELU?
- Is the project meaningful and innovative? Does it, for example, have a connection to the application sphere?
- Did I put enough effort into preparing each part of it? Is the project in order from a formal perspective? (spelling, graphs, needs analysis, graphical processing)
- Is it written in a way that will capture the interest of expert evaluators?
- Can I list reasons for why my project should be supported?
- Am I able to present my project in a way that engages the committee by effectively conveying its purpose, vision, and reasons for support?
Project manager
Agenda: support within national project, MENDELU Ph.D. talent, MENDELU PhD Week
Zemědělská 1665/1, 613 00 Brno; building A, office N2028
Mgr. Veronika Zajícová